At Total-Hockey we pride ourselves on customer service and dispatching your order as fast as possible. Some Companies prefer to filter their reviews to show all 5-star ratings, at Total Hockey we like to be human and show you everything from 1-star reviews to 5 Star. We do our best to use these reviews to help us improve our focus on customer service and offer a level of support you don’t normally find at a regular store. Why not check these out for yourself?
The Grays 2022 range has been deigned to cover all bases of a hockey player. They have developed their AC hockey stick range to give you higher power with higher touch and feel. Grays have developed and updated their hockey shoes to give you greater support and grip on the hockey pitch. The new X luggage grays hockey was developed to give greater storage space while remaining light and comfortable.
For more information and in depth knowledge on the 2022 Grays Range, have a read at out Blog - Click Here